News & Media
Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council
    Monday to Friday from 10AM to 5.30 PM " II Floor, behind Hero Show Room, Chuttugunta, GUNTUR, AP "
    Click here for Location map..
  • Notification
    APPC - Conduct of Refresher Course/Continuing Education Programmes for Registered pharmacists-Notification Click Here
    Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council started ONLINE SERVICES from 16 June 2017, inaugurated by Hon'ble Dr.Kamineni Srinivas, Minister for Health & Medical Education, AP "
  • Mobile App   
            Download Mobile Application AP Pharmacy Council From Google Play Store"
    Click here for Google Play Store..
  • Important Notice
    With the commencement of 'ONLINE' services from 16 June 2017, A.P.Pharmacy Council here afterwards will function only from Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. The services at Hyderabad are stopped from 12 August 2017. Click Here 
  • Continuing Education programme for registered pharmacists on 28.06.2024
    Download  Click Here   
  • Telangana State Pharmacy Council
    Telangana State Pharmacy Council Starts from 16th July,2018
  • If Not Accepted DOB for Renewals
    If Your Data Of Birth is not accepted by Online try DOB as01-01-1990
  • Online FAQ's  Click Here   
  • Registration User Manual  Click Here   
  • Renewal User Manual  Click Here   
    APPC PHARMA AWARDS-2k23-A Day of Recognition on 12.10.2023 at GMCANA Auditorium, Guntur Medical College, Guntur. Time:10.00.AM to 2.00.PM
  • Personal submission is required for change of address Download  Click Here   
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Welcome to Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council
Government Of Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council is a statutory body constituted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the provisions of the Pharmacy Act of 1948 consisting of 6 members elected by Registered Pharmacists amongst themselves, five members nominated by Government of Andhra Pradesh, one member elected by A P Medical Council and three Ex-Officio Members.

Presently CEO, Dr. YSR Aarogyasri Health Care trust, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh is In-Charge of the Council. State Government appointed full time Registrar from 23 May 2013.

The main objective of the Andhra Pharmacy Council is to regulate the profession and Practice of pharmacy in the state of Andhra Pradesh.The prime function of the APPC is to grant registration to the eligible pharmacists possessing requisite qualification as per the provisions of section 32(2) of the Pharmacy Act and to enforce the necessary provisions of the Pharmacy Act 1948 and Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council Rules,1955.

Contact US

Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council

D No 25-16-116/1B,

Behind Gowthams Hero Show Room,

Chuttugunta, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh - 522004

Mobile:+91 8374379304 (Registrar)

Land Line:0863 2224524

Fax:0863 2224525




I swear by the code of ethics of Pharmacy Council of India, in relation to the community and shall act as an integral part of health care team.

I shall uphold the laws and standards governing my profession.

I shall strive to perfect and enlarge my knowledge to contribute to the advancement of pharmacy and public health.